I configured a button on my camera so that when pressed, it would change the AF Operation to SERVO (I typically use ONE SHOT), AF Method to Tracking (I typically use Spot AF), and also meter and capture focus. With this, I started to get better focus every time and never miss photo opportunities again. Nowadays, I don't shoot without this on any of my cameras! I highly recommend that you configure this on your camera as well, if possible, and see the difference. NOTE: Not all models will have the exact same customizable button options and settings, unfortunately, but they will most likely have something similar. Take a look at yours and see! I hope it is useful. Big hug, Ricardo ???? Follow me on INSTA: @ricardopolesso ✅ Become a MASTER in photography with me: https://www.caradafoto.com.br/master ???? Read my bestselling book here: https://www.caradafoto.com.br/livro Organization of the video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 01:26 The setup 01:56 How I did it on the 80D 03:22 How I did it on the T2i 05:23 How I did it on the R5 06:22 Ninja setup 08:01 Important 09:59 Special invitation #photography #beginners #caradafoto