Servos - closed, open, diagnostic and features of their operation. ● Electrothermal servos types, differences and operating principles. ✔ Normally closed thermoelectric servo drive VR1122 https://vieir.ru/product/servoprivod-... ✔ Normally open thermoelectric servo drive VR1124 https://vieir.ru/product/servoprivod-... ✔ Normally closed, diagnostic thermoelectric servo drive VR1123 https://vieir.ru/product/servoprivod-... ▼▼▼ We are in social. networks: ● VKontakte: https://vk.com/public217877300 ● Telegram: https://t.me/vieir_ru ● Youtube: / @vieir-2015 ● Rutube: https://rutube.ru/u/vieir/