Welcome to my channel. Dalal ak diam In this video I explain to you, Waxtaan/wakhtan Serigne touba. Serigne Fallou Mbacké. Serigne saliou. Mame Cheikh ibrahima fall. Cheikh mouhidine samba diallo. Serigne Bassirou mbacke khelcom. Ahmadou ndiaye nguirane history yonente yalla yi Wakhtan. kourel 1 Norou darayni Pikine zinc market Kourel khassida. DND, touba HIZBOU TARQUIYYAH Do not hesitate to subscribe. #serignetouba #serignefallou #serignesalioumbacke #serignebassiroumbackekhelcom #mamecheikhibrahimafall #zikroullah #wakhtan #waxtaan #africa #Europe #America #Asia #Senegal #mali #morocco #Gambia #UnitedStates #Tunisia #Algeria #London #London #paris #Rome #Madrid #Barcelona #Marseille #Manchester #Lisbon #Munich #Germany #Belgium #Argentina #Brazil #Washington #Spain #Italy #Mexico #Egypt #Berlin #Canada #Montreal #Birmingham #Liverpool #Australia #Austria #Poland #Norway ##Romania #Russia #Milan #NewYork #everyone #motivations #sports #cristianoronaldo #Messi #business #onlinebusiness #football #affirmations #success #love Join us and support the channel: https: / @mb2s1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US On social networks to have our news in real time: Dalal ak diam. I present to you this channel, do not hesitate to subscribe Serigne Touba. Serigne Saliou mbacke. Serigne Fallou. Wakhtan. Kourel khassida #serignetouba #serignefallou #serignesaliou #ganamessere #Bayendiagadiopbayefall #serigneassanesalam #wakhtan #waxtaan #liverpool #realmadrid #barcelona #manchester #bayrne #paris #arsenal #city #manchesterunited #manchestercity #viniciusjr #lamineyamal #mbappe #raphinha #basketball#### Welcome to my channel. Dalal ak diam In this video I explain to you, Waxtaan/wakhtan Serigne touba. Serigne Fallou Mbacké. Serigne saliou. Mame Cheikh Ibrahima Fall. Cheikh mouhidine samba diallo. Serigne Bassirou mbacke khelcom. Ahmadou ndiaye nguirane yonente story yalla yi Wakhtan. kourel 1 Norou darayni Pikine zinc market Kourel khassida. DND, touba HIZBOU TARQUIYYAH Don't hesitate to subscribe. #serignetouba #serignefallou #serignesalioumbacke #serignebassiroumbackekhelcom #mamecheikhibrahimafall #zikroullah #wakhtan #waxtaan #africa #Europe #America #Asia #Senegal #mali #morocco #Gambia #UnitedStates #Tunisia #Algeria #London #London #paris #Rome #Madrid #Barcelona #Marseille #Manchester #Lisbon #Munich #Germany #Belgium #Argentina #Brazil #Washington #Spain #Italy #Mexico #Egypt #Berlin #Canada #Montreal #Birmingham #Liverpool #Australia #Austria #Poland #Norway ##Romania #Russia #Milan #NewYork #everyone #motivations #sports #cristianoronaldo #Messi #business #onlinebusiness #football #affirmations #success #love Join us and support the channel: https: / @mb2s1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US On social networks to get our news in real time: Welcome to my channel. Dalal ak diam In this video I explain to you, Waxtaan / wakhtan Serigne touba. Serigne Fallou Mbacké. Serigne saliou. Mame Cheikh ibrahima fall. Cheikh mouhidine samba diallo. Serigne Bassirou mbacke khelcom. Ahmadou ndiaye nguirane history yonente yalla yi Wakhtan. kourel 1 Norou darayni Pikine zinc market Kourel khassida. DND, touba HIZBOU TARQUIYYAH Do not hesitate to subscribe. #serignetouba #serignefallou #serignesalioumbacke #serignebassiroumbackekhelcom #mamecheikhibrahimafall #zikroullah #wakhtan #waxtaan #africa #Europe #America #Asia #Senegal #mali #morocco #Gambia #UnitedStates #Tunisia #Algeria #London #London #paris #Rome #Madrid #Barcelona #Marseille #Manchester #Lisbon #Munich #Germany #Belgium #Argentina #Brazil #Washington #Spain #Italy #Mexico #Egypt #Berlin #Canada #Montreal #Birmingham #Liverpool #Australia #Austria #Poland #Norway ##Romania #Russia #Milan #NewYork #everyone #motivations #sports #cristianoronaldo #Messi #business #onlinebusiness #football #affirmations #success #love Join us and support the channel: https: / @mb2s1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US On social networks to have our news in real time: Dalal ak diam. I present to you this channel, do not hesitate to subscribe Serigne Touba. Serigne Saliou mbacke. Serigne Fallou. Wakhtan. Kourel khassida #serignetouba #serignefallou #serignesaliou #ganamessere #Bayendiagadiopbayefall #serigneassanesalam #wakhtan #waxtaan #liverpool #realmadrid #barcelona #manchester #bayrne #paris #arsenal #city #manchesterunited #manchestercity #viniciusjr #lamineyamal #mbappe #raphinha #basketball####