Ayabe City, located in the northern part of Kyoto Prefecture, is an area where the Ayahito people, from whom the place name is derived, introduced sericulture and weaving. It was once known as one of the leading silkworm-producing cities in Japan, but when the silk-reeling industry, which was Japan's main industry, declined, sericulture in Ayabe City disappeared completely. After many years, in 2016, a woman living in Ayabe City began weaving from small-scale sericulture, with the desire to connect the history of the region and traditional Japanese culture to the future. Since then, while raising silkworms twice a year (spring and autumn), she has been producing vegetable-dyed textiles from her own silk thread on a hand loom, influenced by her grandmother, who was a vegetable-dyed textile artist. Located in the northern part of Kyoto Prefecture, Ayabe City derives its name from the area where Ayahito introduced sericultural weaving. Ayabe City was known as one of the leading sericultural cities in Japan, but sericulture in Ayabe City disappeared when the silk industry, a major industry in Japan, declined. In 2012, after a long period of time A woman living in Ayabe started weaving silkworms on a small scale, hoping to connect tradition and sericulture to the future. She raises silkworms twice a year and, influenced by her grandmother who was a weaver of dyed silk and plants, she now produces textiles from her own silk yarns. Part 1 Sericulture / Becoming Cocoons Life of Silkworms Silk Artist Haruhi Deguchi Movie Artfulsha Naya Sato