Synopsis of the comic series Noon Kh 4: After the attack of the wolf pack on the village and the killing of the cows and sheep of the villagers, the life of the villagers faces a new challenge. The Big Ten try to bring things back to normal by hunting wolves, but each time they fail for some reason. They forcefully hire one of the top ten hunters. In the continuation of what caused the old differences between the two villages to flare up, the people of Noordin village struggle to get out of the economic and demographic stagnation and compensate for the backwardness from the top ten, and it creates small and big adventures. ------------------------------------------ Noon Kha series 4 - episode 7 Subscribe for More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/ShahreFarangs... ---------------------------------- ------ Actors of Noon Kh 4 comedy series: Saeed Aghakhani, Hamidreza Azarang, Bijan Banafsehkhah, Kazem Nourbakhsh, Seyed Ali Salehi, Neda Ghasemi, Sohba Shrafati, Hadih Bazund, Nasrin Moradi, Pasha Jamali, Siros Mement, Amir Soheili, Seyed Hossein Mousavi , Reza Rashidi, Sirus Sepehri, Mashallah Varuai, Ali Akhwan Mutlaq and Homan Haji Abdolahi, director of the Iranian series Noon 4: Saeed Aghakhani, writer of the Persian series Noon 4: Amir Vafaei, producer of the Iranian comedy series Noon 4: Mehdi Faraji, broadcast year: 1402 Genre : comedy, social ---------------------------------------- After a herd of wolves attacked the village and killed the cattle and sheep of the villagers, the life of the villagers faces a new challenge. The Big Ten try to bring things back to normal by hunting wolves, but each time they fail for some reason. They forcefully hire one of the top ten hunters. In the continuation of what caused the old differences between the two villages to flare up, the people of Nooredin village struggle to get out of the economic and demographic stagnation and compensate for the backwardness from the top ten, and it creates small and big adventures. --------------------------------------- Serial Noon Kh 4 - Part 7 Cast: Saeid Aghakhani, Hamidreza Azarang, Bijan Banafshekhah, Kazem Noorbakhsh, Seyed Ali Salehi, Neda Ghasemi, Sahba Sherafati, Hadieh Bazvand, Nasrin Moradi, Pasha Jamali, Siroos Meymanat, Amir Soheili, Seyed Hossein Mousavi, Reza Rashidi, Siroos Sepehri, Mashallah Varvai, Ali Akhawan Motlagh and Hooman Haji Abdolahi Director: Saeid Aghakhani Author: Amir Vafaei Producer: Mehdi Faraji Release: 2023 Genre: Comedy, Social ----------------------- ---------------- To watch serial Noon Kh 4, click on the following link: • Serial Noon Kh 4 Noon Kh series 4 ---------------------------------------- #serial #Iranian_series #Noon_kh series #serial #serial_jadid #serial_noon_kh_4 #serial_tanz #series #serial_irani #serial_irani #serial_khonde_dar #saeed_aqakhani #serial_comedy We have fully licensed this video and have the right to publish it on YouTube.