Title: Human Activity Recognition using Deep Learning by Dr. Milagros Jaén Vargas. Milagros Jaén-Vargas is Panamanian. She studied Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications at the Technological University of Panama in 2011 and a master's degree in Project Management at the Interamerican University of Panama in 2013. From 2011 to 2018 she worked in the telecommunications industry, specifically in the design and maintenance of fiber optic networks and their documentation through Geographic Information Systems (GIS); for companies such as Columbus Networks and Cable & Wireless Panama. During those years she was in charge of training programs for coworkers located in countries in Central, South America and the Caribbean, which made up the Columbus Corporation. In 2018 she decided to apply for the IFARHU-SENACYT scholarship program and obtained it. Due to this scholarship, she pursued PhD studies in Biomedical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain, where she belonged to the Assisted Technologies group within the Bioinstrumentation and Nanomedicine Laboratory (LBN) of the Biomedical Technology Center (CTB) located in Madrid, Spain. Her research has a focus on blind or visually impaired people and the elderly, to develop methodologies in the study of balance that could be used in rehabilitation. In addition, she worked with artificial intelligence algorithms focused on the recognition of human activities. Institute of Medical Sciences https://www.institutodecienciasmedica...