DELICIOUS AND SOFT HOMEMADE POP ICE CREAM Assalamualaikum, meet me again Ike on the Ike Puspita Channel. In this video I share a recipe for making delicious homemade ice cream, with little capital and practical. No need to buy powder if you just want to make homemade ice cream. Because from Pop Ice, we can enjoy ice cream that is no less delicious than those sold outside. This Ice Cream Recipe is perfect for those of you who are looking for: homemade ice cream pop ice for sale, recipe for making ice cream pop ice, delicious soft ice cream pop ice, ice cream pop ice, how to make ice cream pop ice, how to make ice cream easy and delicious, ice cream pop ice recipe, economical ice cream pop ice, homemade ice cream pop ice, ice cream sales business ideas, ice cream recipes, sales ideas, ice cream business ideas, ice cream business ideas, home ice business ideas, contemporary ice cream sales ideas, selling ideas with little capital, sky-high profits. Let's get straight to the ingredients: Ingredients: 600 ml of water 1 sachet of condensed milk 6 tablespoons of granulated sugar 2 tablespoons of cornstarch 1 teaspoon of SP 4 packs of pop ice food coloring purchase ice cream cups at the link below https://shp.ee/fzr9dq3 pop ice https://shp.ee/ie67zs3 cornstarch https://shp.ee/d6xwc23 for a tutorial on how to make it, please watch the video until the end, thank you. SHARE the video if you find it useful for your friends/closest people #icecreampopice #icecreampopice #howtomakehomemadeicecream #homemadeicecreamrecipe #ikepuspita