Learn about the 5 strategies that you, as an entrepreneur, should apply to achieve your goals in 2023. Click on the link: https://lp1.marcusmarques.com.br/oper... Get ready to leverage your personal and professional life through in-depth self-knowledge techniques, taught by the greatest masters and entrepreneurs in Brazil. Did you know that emotional intelligence and self-knowledge are among the 15 most sought-after soft skills in the market? When we find the balance between reason and emotion, we can be more productive, assertive in decision-making, organized, and consequently, we can lead much better. Learn a little more about our guests: José Roberto Marques: Pioneer in Coaching in Brazil, CEO & Founder of the Brazilian Coaching Institute (IBC), Best-Selling Author with over 15 million books sold, and was also on the cover of FORBES. Pablo Marçal: Brazilian Businessman, entrepreneur and prominent coach in the digital world, best-selling author, mentor, business strategist, marketing specialist and lawyer by training. Wendell Carvalho: Brazilian businessman, CEO of Kairos Treinamentos, Master Coach, Creator Master, and a leading figure on the Hotmart digital platform. Wendell has trained more than 117,000 people throughout Brazil and has worked as a mentor, coach, and trainer in more than 183 companies, such as Gerdau, BRF, Petrobras, Vivo, and Sebrae. Paulo Vieira: Businessman, President of Febracis Coaching, Master Coach, bestselling author, speaker, and creator of the world's largest Emotional Intelligence training program (CIS Method), a methodology that has impacted more than 70 million lives around the world. Tiago Brunet: Founder of Casa de Destino and Instituto Destiny, he has lectured in more than 30 countries and is one of the most followed Spiritual Influencers in the world on the internet. A bestselling author published in more than 15 countries, Brunet is considered one of the main references in leadership and spirituality training today. Zora Viana: Businesswoman, founder of UNIAE - Universidade Corporativa Atitude Emocional, Expert in Scalable Mentoring, her mentoring has already financially impacted thousands of entrepreneurs to earn their first million. Taci Carvalho: Businesswoman, CEO & founder of Futuro Fisioterapia, Coach Trainer and creator of the Encontre Sua Riqueza program, a project that has impacted more than 30 thousand people. Pyero Tavolazzi: Multi-entrepreneur and founder of DTS Group, the largest personal development company in Brazil. In the last 5 years, we have transformed more than 1 million people from 27 countries through our online and in-person events. ????️ Are you just arriving at Podacelerar? We are the largest podcast in Brazil, aimed at entrepreneurs, and we have already welcomed big names such as: Roberto Justus, Felipe Titto, João Appolinário, Samuel Pereira, Geraldo Rufino, Flávio Augusto, Cris Arcangeli, Bianca Andrade among others. ???? What was the biggest insight from this episode? To learn more about the Business Accelerator, click on the link below: https://www.aceleradorempresarial.com... Follow me on Instagram, where I always share extremely valuable and highly exclusive content about management, leadership and processes. ???? To follow, just click on this link: / marcusmarquesoficial #PodAcelerar #Business #Entrepreneurship #selfknowledge #emotionalintelligence #JoséRobertoMarques #PabloMarçal #WendellCarvalho #PauloVieira #TiagoBrunet #Zora Viana