Self-management - The secret to becoming a strong person Self-image is created by oneself. Nature can play a role, but one's own efforts are more important. In particular, making an image of a strong person is a favorable condition for protecting oneself. How can one create a strong image? #HumanRelations #SelfManagement #SelfDevelopment #ConversationTechniques #HowToSpeakWell #PeopleGoodAtHumanRelations #HumanRelationsTheory #Mental #MentalManagement #SocialLife #GoodFeeling #Positive #Positive #Image #Dignity #Class #LifeQuotes #LifeAdvice #Stress #Emotions #Luxury #Attitude 'Why Do I Have a Hard Time Whenever I Go to Work' New Book Guide Kyobo Bookstore: https://url.kr/u3il7e Yes24: https://url.kr/mw6yv5 Aladdin: https://url.kr/s9edxk Human Relationship Wisdom Book Yoo Se-mi's 'Relationship Skills' Purchase Guide https://shrtco.de/qjqGwN Yoo Se-mi's Workplace Class Cafe https://cafe.naver.com/rlatjdqls53 Yoo Se-mi's Life Class Blog https://blog.naver.com/perpetua0919 Host: Yoo Se-mi 'To Manager Kim Who Goes to Work Today' Author Lecture Inquiries: 010-2326-8805 / [email protected] Join the channel and enjoy the benefits. / @user-yoosemiclass