VK AQUAEL https://vk.com/aquaelrus Terms of the drawing of 5 internal AQUAEL filters. Prize fund: AQUAEL PAT MINI; AQUAEL FAN 1 Plus; AQUAEL UNIFILTER UV 750; AQUAEL ASAP 300; AQUAEL TURBO FILTER 500. 1) The drawing of internal AQUAEL filters will take place in the AQUAEL community on VKontakte https://vk.com/aquaelrus. To participate in the drawing, you must: 1. Collect a code phrase from the words that will be voiced in each issue in the "Honest Purchase" section on the YouTube channel PAR Aquarium / @PAR-Aquarium Subscribe to the AQUAEL community on VKontakte https://vk.com/aquaelrus . Send the code phrase and the name of the desired internal filter line from AQUAEL to the AQUAEL VKontakte community messages https://vk.com/aquaelrus within 7 days after the release of the last issue of the "Honest Purchase" project. 2) When the participant of the drawing sends the correct code phrase, the AQUAEL VKontakte community posts his name and the name of the internal filter he has chosen in the comments under the post about the drawing. 3) Five winners will be chosen using a random number generator. Selection of internal filters for medium and large aquariums. Honest purchase 4 • Selection of internal filters for aquarium... Thanks for supporting the channel donatik - http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/dima888g webmoney R243929228966-rubles Z019880702768-dollars SBERBANK card number 4276400019250480 Waiting for you on Instagram / par_aquariu. . VK group https://vk.com/par.aqua Thanks for your support!!! Citation of any material is possible for scientific, polemical, critical or informational purposes with indication of the source, author or copyright holder.