Seema who rejected Mohanlal's love and fell in love with Mammootty Adiyozhukkukal Mammootty Mohanlal Seema After Karunan comes out of jail, he discovers that his girlfriend has married Kumaran, the man who sent him to prison. Karunan decides to work hard and take revenge against Kumaran. #adiyozhukkukal #adiyozhukkukalmalayalam #adiyozhukkukalmoviescenes #mammootty #mohanlal #seema #mammoottyandmohanlal #malayalam #malayalammoviescenes #moviescenes #viralmovie For Android ▶ https://bit.ly/SainaPlayApp For iOS ▶ https://apple.co/3MnUl3J Web ▶ https://sainaplay.com #MalayalamComedyScenes #MalayalamComedy #MalayalamCinema #NewMalayalamComedyMovies #MalayalamMovies