Albanian Film: Action, Comedy, Drama ✔️ Roni Selimes, who is in deep despair over the loss of his son, learns a shocking truth from Sokoli that can completely change his life. On the other hand, we have Klodin Ishe who, while serving his sentence in prison, begins a love affair with his lawyer, which puts Klodin before some difficult choices. But will Roni be ready to face the truth and to put justice in place for the loss of his son and will his old friends offer him help in this story, we invite you to watch the full film. With the participation of professional actresses such as: Marjana Kondi, Ina Gjonci, Bujar Asqeriu, Xhevahir Zeneli as well as with the participation of other actresses, Marius Dervishi, Arber Xhemali, Muhamed Xhani, Xheni brahaj, Vani Skenderi, Gramoz Mere, Ilir Dashi, Ilir Doda, Skerdi Faria, Xhelal Fera, Barlet Muhaxhiri, Luljeta Nallbani, Beart Rexhepi, Ameli Shkurti, Eugent Shkurti, Klodi Hidri, Afrim Ismaili, Seldi Hasa, Ajsi Hidri, Gaz Ndreu, Etion Reci etc., the film "Seder 2" can now be found on YouTube ____________________________ ???? Directed & Scripted: ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? (????????????????????????????????????) ???? Director of Photography: ???????????????????????? SHKRETA ???? Montage : KRESHNIK MARKU ???? Color Grading: Es STUDIO ???? Music: IRKENZ HYKA ???? Camera A: ENDRIT SHKRETA ???? Camera B: MARIGLE PELUSHAY ???? Camera C: ILIR AGASTRA ???? Camera Support: RYLIND TAKU & DESARD TAKU ???? Ass/ Director: ARBA MACI ???? Audio Recorder: JURGEN KURTI ???? Sound designers ???? Dialogue and sound effects editors: FLORES HETA ???? Sound effect and Foley: ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???? Make Up / Sfx: Elbartistry Make Up: BROWN LILLA ???? Pyrotechnics: TACTICAL ALBANIA (MIREL PINARY) Production: ZEBERKOKI ENTERTAINMENT & ES STUDIO ✔️ Published by : FOLE PUBLISHING ____________________________ ???? Connect with ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? : Instagram ► / zebervoki ✔️ Connect with ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????? : Instagram ► https://www.smarturl.it/FolePublishing ____________________________ ℗ & © MARIUS DERVISHI & FOLE PUBLISHING. All Rights Reserved. #Seder2 #Speak