???? Discussion topic: __________________________________ Juno flew by Ganymede, passing at a distance of 1,046 km from its icy surface. This spacecraft is equipped with the Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper (JIRAM), which used infrared “vision” to identify hydrated and ammonia salts, sodium bicarbonate, hydrated silica, and possibly aliphatic aldehydes on the ice surface, which could potentially serve as “cubes” for more complex organic compounds. JIRAM has previously been used to study Jupiter itself, as well as its moons Io, Europa, and Callisto. Observations indicate that the ocean is likely located under a 150-kilometer layer of ice, and its depth may reach 100 km. Compared to it, the Earth's oceans look like inflatable children's pools, because it is 10 times deeper than the Pacific Ocean. (What is hidden in the largest satellite in the solar system?) ???? Space details: __________________________________ ● Music from videos / Patreon: / evilspace ● Bank - Tinkoff: 5536 9138 2137 1313 ● Become a channel sponsor and you will get access to exclusive bonuses. More details: / @_roin ● Our Space Channel (Telegram): https://t.me/evil_space ● Group (VK): https://vk.com/club66650642 ● Our CHAT: (Telegram): https://t.me/ES_BRO ● Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/6230a14e85ae... ???? Our Channels: __________________________________ ◻️ Evil Space - / @deepevilspace ◻️ Espacio Profundo - / @espacioprofundo ◻️ L'ère de l'espace - / @_espace ◻️ Weltraumreise - / @weltraumreise ◻️ Space Journey - / @spacejourney_ ◻️ Evil Space - / @_roin ???? Music: __________________________________ https://synthwave-radio.bandcamp.com/ https://www.apple.com/itunes/ https://bleep.com/ https://www.qobuz.com/gb-en/shop https://www.worldofbooks.com/en-gb/ca... ???? Animation: __________________________________ The Norwegian Nobel Institute. melodysheep: / melodysheep Jeremy jozwik: https://www.artstation.com/zeuxis_of_... Egor Demin: https://www.artstation.com/darth_biomech Darth Biomech https://www.artstation.com/darth_biomech Kosmo: / @off_kosmo Fish tree https://www.deviantart.com/fishytree/ Bryan Versteeg http://spacehabs.com Keith Carson, Jarred Eagley, Udo Schroeter, Mihail Yordanov, https://vimeo.com/188056550 Misho Yordanov, Pierre Demet. Stefan Blandin. ???? Sources: __________________________________ https://www.livescience.com/64993-wei... https://www.businessinsider.com/myste... https://www.esa.int/Science_Explorati... https://www.sciencefocus.com/space/th... https://www.space.com/milky-way-super... https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/fi... https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/fi... https://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/death... ???? Tags: __________________________________ #space #ganymede #solarsystem ???? Author ӏ Collaboration: __________________________________ Email: [email protected] / https://vk.com/id243180193