If you want to support us, we would be happy if you find something in our Nordic Shop????: SHOPPING HERE:⬇️ Butterfly plants from the article ⬇️ Seseli libanotis – mountain medicinal herb, mountain fennel, frankincense mountain fennel https://www.nordischer-shop.at/produk... ⬇️ Saponaria officinalis – soapwort https://www.nordischer-shop.at/produk... Featured butterfly or caterpillar food plants (plus butterflies) Medicinal herb, Silene libanotis (swallowtail) ⬇️ Soapwort, Saponaria officinalis (especially moths such as various hawk moths such as pine hawk moth, medium vine hawk moth, spurge hawk moth, morning glory hawk moth) https://www.nordischer-shop.at/produk... Aristolochia, Aristolochia clematitis (Easter lily) ⬇️ Goat willow, Salix caprea (over 100 species of butterflies) https://www.nordischer-shop.at/produk... Oaks e.g. English oak, Quercus robur (over 150 species of butterflies) Various fruit trees such as: apricot, peach, creeper, ringlet, apple, cherry (Ligurian peacock butterfly, Viennese peacock butterfly, small peacock butterfly, kidney-spotted hairstreak) Fruit bushes such as: ⬇️ Blackberry (blackberry moth, Ligurian peacock butterfly), raspberry, blueberries Privet and lilac (privet hawk moth) https://www.nordischer-shop.at/produk... ⬇️ Blackthorn, birch, willow: top caterpillar food plants with well over 100 species https://www.nordischer-shop.at/produk... Marion's website: www.marionjaros.at We ask that you respect Marion's privacy! The photos are from her private garden. Guided tours or tours are not possible there. We are therefore particularly grateful for the opportunity to gain a rare insight. If you are interested in Marion's butterfly projects, you can find the relevant links here: Butterfly projects with Marion: Vanessa's butterfly project: https://wua-wien.at/naturschutz-und-s... Butterfly meadow in the Danube Park: https://www.bluehendesoesterreich.at/... Marion's book: Tim the butterfly researcher: ➡️ https://amzn.to/46X4mP7 Identify butterflies using the Blooming Austria app. This is a purely Austrian platform! https://www.bluehendesoesterreich.at/... Or use the iNaturalist app. This is an American app. https://apps.apple.com/at/app/inatura... You can also enter the name of your own town there and then you can see at a glance which species have already been posted by other users in your area. You can then even limit it to insects and then you can also see the butterflies clearly. The image rights for most of the images shown are owned by Marion Jaros Photo of a peacock butterfly photographed by nature photographer Julian Rad, rights are owned by Marion Jaros: https://radwildlife.com/ All other image rights are owned by us Book recommendations: Butterfly books in general: ➡️ Especially: Butterflies https://amzn.eu/d/artXEyP ➡️ Butterflies - Why they are disappearing and what that means for us https://amzn.eu/d/274jbynQ6JorzakMiiL... ➡️ Butterfly guide https://amzn.eu/d/fDc8mEw ➡️ Butterflies - Insects Vienna https://www.insekten-in-wien.at/tagfa... ⬇️Here you can find my wife's channels: Cosis Dekotipps, YouTube ➡️ / @cosisdekotipps2483 Instagram ➡️ / cosis.dekot. . My Instagram ➡️ / markus_burk. . Video contains advertising and product placements. The links are so-called affiliate links. If you buy something through them, we get a small part as commission. Of course, without you paying more for it.