#chilioil #oilybawang #chinesefood #nanangkitchen Assalamu'alaikum, stay healthy always???????? This time I will make 3 secret oils that are often used by Chinese food restaurant chefs.. ONION OIL) --120gr chopped garlic --300ml oil Wash the chopped garlic and drain.. Then heat the oil and fry the garlic over low heat while stirring.... The color is already slightly brownish yellow.. Remove and strain the garlic.. After the oil has cooled.. mix the onions again.... And store in a bowl/jar... (SAUTÉ OIL) --4 stalks of spring onions cut in half --500ml oil Heat the oil, add the spring onions, fry over low heat until dry.. Then remove.. Strain and drain... (CHILI OIL) --55gr dried chili --Mala seeds/Sichuan pepper 15gr First roast the dried chilies and mala seeds with a little oil until fragrant. Then blend/grind... --Fine chili powder (can use Aida brand) 2 tablespoons full --Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon full --Salt 1/2 tablespoon --Chicken powder 3/4 tablespoon --Sesame seeds 1 and a half tablespoons All of the above are mixed well.... Heat 450ml cooking oil Then add the spices --Ginger 4 slices --Cloves 6 seeds --Star anise 4 seeds --Cardamom 4 seeds --Cinnamon about 1/2 finger --If you have dried bay leaves, you can use 2 sheets... --Onion 1/3 seed --Scallion 1 stalk Fry all the ingredients until the aroma comes out. Then strain the dregs. Pour the oil onto the chili mixture earlier. Then add 2 and a half tablespoons of soy sauce... Stir. And ready to mix noodles, kwetiau, cold dishes/pickles, dip Dimsum etc.... Congratulations try and hopefully useful????????????