Are you also looking for a new EV? Don't know which one to choose? Info here: https://www.nejrychlejsitesla.cz Contact: [email protected] 00:00 - Introduction 01:26 - Why not to be afraid of a used EV 03:58 - Why not to be afraid of a used internal combustion engine 05:24 - Battery recycling 09:55 - The need for types of managers 12:33 - Battery producers 13:18 - What to look out for when buying a used EV? 23:55 - Access to services 26:33 - Air conditioning compressor 30:58 - Watch out for these cars 35:10 - Hyundai Kona 37:14 - VW eGolf 39:25 - CitiGo 40:45 - Tesla model S (Free SC) 45:22 - ID family (VW) 49:26 - BMW i3 53:42 - Průserové EV Experience driving in Plaid Models? Link here: https://www.nejrychlejsitesla.cz/ Our referral link for buying a new Tesla: https://www.tesla.com/referral/eva23501 thanks for your support