Problems can be solved and crises must be lived through - but what if a person's life has hopelessly failed and there seems to be no way out? Kimberly and Susanne were convinced that their lives would never turn out for the better. They only felt good when they could take drugs. 00:00 Welcome 01:09 Freed from drugs - testimony from Kimberly Smithers 06:57 Forced into prostitution - testimony from Susanne Wilke 16:35 Second chance - short devotion from Pastor Andreas Waldmann 20:02 Education for children & help for self-help 25:41 Contact details ???? ERLEBT Magazine: Order the free Erlebt Magazine from CBN Germany here and receive encouragement, impulses and inspiration: https://cbndeutschland.org/magazin/an... ???? Support: Would you like to support our work? We thank you for your donation: https://cbndeutschland.org/spenden ???? This is CBN Germany: Do you want to find out more about our work? Visit our website: https://cbndeutschland.org ???? Social Media: You can also find us on Facebook: / cbndeutschland and on Instagram: / cbn.deutschland ???? Newsletter: Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date: https://cbndeutschland.org/newsletter