"I went through a time when I didn't have any work," the popular singer recalls the times long gone. "I sat at home and wondered if anyone would ever call me. And I was happy when someone called me to say that someone had dropped out of a charity performance. I went through a time when no one wanted me anywhere because they didn't know me." Times have changed, and Monika Absolonová is now very much in demand. "So I had to learn to say no, because you can't combine everything. Plus, my priority is clearly the boys and I can't be away every night. Unfortunately, it happens a bit in December, because thanks to the album Ažd do nebes, I became something of a Christmas singer years ago." "I'm grateful for that and I enjoy touring the whole country. It's just that I'm spreading Christmas joy everywhere, except at home. I've been telling myself for several years that I need to have more time. And this year I managed it. My last Christmas concert is on December 18th in Lucerna and then I can be with my children and enjoy Christmas.” After them, specifically in February 2025, Monika Absolonová will release a new album. What will it be about? “About love. And it has many forms. For me, the most important thing in art is the transmission of emotions, so it was important for me to put the most of everything I have experienced in my life into the songs. And since I am 48 years old, I have not experienced a little,” concludes Monika Absolonová in Dvojka u piana. Hosted by Jiří Holoubek Listen to Dvojka u piana as a podcast in the mujRozhlas mobile application https://www.mujrozhlas.cz/dvojka-u-piana --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dvojka website: https://dvojka.rozhlas.cz/ Facebook: / crodvojka