Sebastian Depke finds it difficult to look others in the eye. His spine is ossified and stiff. His posture is bent. Ankylosing spondylitis is an incurable, rheumatic disease. What is really special about it, however, is what Sebastian Depke makes of it and how he deals with it. The key was learning to love the disease. He climbs in paraclimbing world cups and world championships, is an athlete spokesman, book author, diver, programmer and is taking his own very own path with the disease. His current path: emigrating to Spain. The climate there is healthier for him and his inflammation levels. On the way there, he made a stopover in the back room. The conversation with him is divided into two parts: in the first hour, he talks about his life as a World Cup climber, faking classifications and the political tensions in sport. In the second hour, he explains the background to his disease and his strategies for solving it. In the back room with and by Flo Rudig. Support our work financially ▶ https://www.hinterzimmer.tv/support Subscribe to the channel ▶ https://www.hinterzimmer.tv/youtubeabo A look into the back room ▶ https://podlink.to/hinterzimmer +++ Every month there are new talks in the back room +++ The back room is Flo Rudig's podcast. Here conversations begin where others end. Say what's going on. In-depth, fact-based, at eye level. A talk behind the scenes of sports, business, science and show business. With guests who have something to say. For 20 years, the TV presenter and journalist Flo Rudig worked for various media companies. Now he is his own boss. With guests who are in the spotlight. Who have seen a lot or achieved a lot. It's about the view behind it. ▶ https://www.hinterzimmer.tv #MorbusBechterew #SebastianDepke #hinterzimmer