The third season begins with the serial killer Manfred Seel. A man who had many sides. But a brutal killer? No, no one thought that of him. Loving family man, musical bandmate, nice neighbor - many can tell something about Manfred Seel from Schwalbach. But only after his death will another, dark side of the man come to light. While clearing out his garage, his daughter and her husband find parts of a female corpse. And as terrible as the discovery is - it will not be the only one. For years, Seel must have tortured, kidnapped and killed women. Only after his death do the details come to light bit by bit. The result: In five cases it is assumed that Seel committed murder. In four others it is assumed that he was the perpetrator, but at present it cannot be ruled out or confirmed with certainty. But Seel is not satisfied with just killing. He dismembers his victims, drives nails into their genitals or removes their organs. [Here you can find all previous episodes of Abgrundtief](https://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/sch...) An offer from VRM