#manga a 2024 Summary to not die A young man named Dragon is subjected daily to harassment from his classmates, especially a young man named Leadown. Dragon, without intending to, gets into an accident with his classmate because he was bullying him. He just wanted to defend himself, and his life begins to get worse. He is expelled from school and his father also expels him from the house. He meets people worse than the bullies at school, but he meets a young man named Chu Hang, who offers him a helping hand and shows him how to adapt to living on the street. Anime, anime movie summary, anime movie summary, anime summaries, manhwa summary, anime summaries, anime summary, romantic manhwa, historical romantic manhwa, anime summary, manhwa, manhwa summary, manhwa summaries, movie summary, anime movie summary, manhwa summary, legendary manhwas, best manhwa, solo leveling manhwa summary, manga summaries, summary Full Manhwa