Searching for Parallel Universes and 11 Other Dimensions The Primordial Universe Stephen Hawking is the father of quantum gravity theory. According to this theory, our current universe is formed from 11 different dimensions. 4 of which are open spaces... The remaining 7 were rolled up after the Big Bang. However, throughout history, human knowledge has been and is still contained in 3 dimensions. Height, width, depth, along with a time dimension. On the other hand, we are always discovering other material things in space, such as dark matter - which covers 1/4 of our vast universe. So, if other dimensions still exist, what is going on there? Are they demons as we have been rumored... Or are they the supreme beings we worship... Or maybe another powerful alien race? No one can know for sure the exact answer. Further discoveries about the mysteries there are entirely possible. Please watch the video on the CDTeam - Primitive Universe channel. ✔️ CDTeam - Primitive Universe will accompany you on the journey to decode mysterious events throughout human history... ✔️ Wish you have relaxing and useful moments! All support for the channel, please donate via STK: 0393331668 - BIDV Bank - Nguyen Viet Cuong #Primitive Universe #CDTeam #multiverse #parallelworld