In this video, we explain searching while typing in Excel and using the data transfer trick, but also using the text box from the developer tab in Excel, where you can benefit from this transfer in dynamic filtering of the data in the Excel table, and also using searching while typing in Excel can help many business owners who are related to large data in Excel, such as HR employees or human resources employees, benefit from it greatly ----- ????Videos that may interest you 6 tips for dealing with complex equations in Excel • 6 tips for dealing with complex equations ... Searching in more than one table in Excel using the VLOOKUP + CHOOSE function • Searching in more than one table in Excel using ... Types of cells in an Excel sheet • Learn to fix the cell in Excel while typing ... Choose function - Multiple selection function in Excel • Choose function - Multiple selection function ... Using data analysis Calculating the age of customer debts in Excel • Using data analysis Calculating the age of ... Automatically update the drop-down list in the Excel sheet • Automatically update the drop-down list in ... The best way to design dynamic sequential drop-down lists in Excel Excel Online • The best way to design dynamic drop-down lists in ... Sequential drop-down lists using INDIRECT Function • Sequential drop-down lists using ... Design a daily task list To Do List Professionally in Excel • Design a daily task list To Do List ... Design a Slide Meter chart in Excel Infographics Chart • How to make a graph Slide Meter In... Using the SUMIFS function according to the name of the sheet or worksheet in Excel • Using the SUMIFS function according to the name of the sheet or ... Design a statement for customer accounts between two dates in Excel (EXCEL) • Design a statement for customer accounts between two dates in... Using data migration in Excel to create a query sheet in Microsoft Excel • Using data migration in Excel to create ... Explanation of transferring data from one sheet to another in Excel • Explanation of transferring data from one sheet to another in Excel Explanation of the best way to transfer data between two dates from one sheet to another in Excel in a professional manner and with a practical example • Explanation of the best way to transfer data between ta... Explanation of the best way to transfer data from one sheet to another in Excel according to the name of the sheet in Excel • Explanation of the best way to transfer data from a sheet... Arranging data in Excel automatically and using a single equation in a professional manner in Excel • Arranging data in Excel automatically ... ----- To contact me [email protected] ????To download the work file https://bit.ly/2Y0INOK ????Subscribe to the channel to receive all new videos https://bit.ly/3fAUJus ????Facebook group / excelonline1