The first video about extracting tweets on the channel is still a hit today (Extracting tweets with Python Data analysis ep. 15 - • Extracting tweets with Python Analysis... ) - but due to the update in the Twitter API some aspects have changed, for example, the restrictions on extracting old tweets. Currently the API only allows 7 days, for this reason in this video Kizzy presents an alternative for these extractions, replacing the use of Tweepy with Snscrape Twitter. ???? Still need to learn how to program? Enroll in the Python the Right Way 2.0 course and master the fundamentals of programming, becoming able to develop in a variety of domains, including data science and artificial intelligence: https://vai.pgdinamica.com/pjc2 You will also like: Videos about Word Clouds and Natural Language Processing: Visualizing Tweets • Visualizing TWEETS with Word Clouds... Text Cleaning and Pre-Processing • Text Cleaning and Processing P... More videos about data extraction: • Web Scraping ▶️ Also watch: 1. DATA SCRAPING with PYTHON using BeautifulSoup Python in Practice - • DATA SCRAPING with PYTHON using B... 2. IS DATA SCRAPING with Python ILLEGAL? How to know if it is allowed to extract data from a website - • DATA SCRAPING with Python is ILLEGAL... 3. SCRAPING TEXTS from the President's Speeches Python in Practice - • SCRAPING TEXTS from the President's Speeches... 4. Consuming data from the YOUTUBE API with Python Python in Practice #11 - • Consuming data from the YOUTUBE API with... Link to the code: https://github.com/programacaodinamic... Still need to learn how to program? Learn Python the Right Way and develop a fundamental foundation to become able to think and create solutions to problems by writing code: • Python the Right Way First steps... #DataAnalysis ???? Book to study Databases - https://amzn.to/3Hjjusc ???? Recommended Data Science books: https://amzn.to/2XZyxUr ???? Algorithms and Data Structures books: https://amzn.to/3d5wK4m SetUp - Equipment: https://amzn.to/37Cg3N2 ???? Twitch channel for lives: / pgdinamica ???? Telegram channel to receive all videos: https://t.me/pgdinamica ???? If you like our work and find our performance on Youtube relevant, consider supporting us by becoming a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/programacaodi... ✉️ E-mails: – Commercial proposals: [email protected] – Other subjects: [email protected] ???????????????????????? Check out more content on our blog: / programacaodinamica TikTok: @pgdinamica ???? Follow us on Instagram: / pgdinamica ???? @kizzy_terra @hallpaz ???? Follow us on Twitter: / pgdinamica ???? @kizzy_terra @hallpaz Like Programação Dinâmica on Facebook: fb.com/pgdinamica Our repository on Github: github.com/programacaodinamica Check out the articles on Python Café: pythoncafe.com.br