Watch “San Francisco” with Scott McKenzie, another beautiful song freely translated into Portuguese. This song was a hit in 1967 and its success continues to this day. Scott McKenzie takes to the international stage at MultiContinental to perform “San Francisco,” composed by John Phillips, leader of the group The Mamas & The Papas, one of the most beautiful songs in pop music. When performing “San Francisco,” Scott McKenzie takes us back to the best songs of the 60s – the hippie era. In searches on YouTube, this type of song appears under “translated music,” “romantic music,” “unforgettable music,” and under the searches “translated music” and “music with translation.” It is classified as “pop,” “pop music,” “romantic pop.” It is part of the “love songs”: songs that are highlighted at MultiContinental. “San Francisco” is part of the “romantic music” segment. It appears on this channel as a song for good memories, under the title: Scott McKenzie - San Francisco * Music with Translation. Click on this link https://bit.ly/playmulticontinental and see other clips and songs with translation. Link to National Clips: https://bit.ly/ClipesNacionais Link to International Clips: https://bit.ly/ClipesInternacionais SUBSCRIBE TO THE MULTICONTINENTAL CHANNEL. LEAVE YOUR LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, SUGGEST. AND PRESS THE BELL TO RECEIVE THE NEWS. This post by MultiContinental contains the song “San Francisco”, performed by Scott McKenzie, another song with a free translation into Portuguese. It does not represent a literal translation because these - when taken literally - can be meaningless or contain distorted meanings. Opening vocals: Bira Brasil and Clea Motti. Welcome. Welcome. This channel only exists for you! See the lyrics below: San Francisco If you're going to San Francisco Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair If you're going to San Francisco You're gonna meet some gentle people there For those who come to San Francisco Summertime will be a love-in there In the streets of San Francisco Gentle people with flowers in their hair All across the nation such a strange vibration People in motion There's a whole generation with a new explanation People in motion people in motion For those who come to San Francisco Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair If you come to San Francisco Summertime will be a love-in there If you come to San Francisco Summertime will be a love-in There In the assembly of this video we used images from Pexels with the following references: pexels-ron-lach-10601495, pexels-cottonbro-10435031, pexels-cottonbro-10434253, pexels-cottonbro-10406329, pexels-khanh-minh-8665967, pexels-koolshooters-8531271, pexels-Mikhail-Nilov-8320073, pexels-anastasia-shuraeva-8028797, pexels-darina-belonogova-7198881, pexels-cottonbro-5767870, pexels-cottonbro-5767473, pexels-gustavo-fring-5390403, pexels-cottonbro-5365071, pexels-cottonbro-5365060, production ID_5158558, production ID_4908394, production ID_4560721, production ID_4434242, production ID_3909460, Taryn Elliott production ID_3775289, Taryn Elliott production ID_3775277 We would like to thank the respective authors and their respective models and objects.