You have finally finished your practical driving training, first aid has been passed and you have a medical certificate. You have scheduled an appointment for the driving test and you are already looking forward to how after the test you will brag that you passed and receive congratulations from your friends, brother or sister and parents, and the next step is of course buying a car and starting your driving adventure . Maybe you have a little (or a lot?) nervousness before the driving test - in that case, our article with tips on how to overcome the fear of taking the driving test will be useful to you. You have a link at the end of this scoring guide. Certainly, the more information you have about what awaits you at the driving test, the more confident you are. That's why we decided to prepare this complete guide for scoring on the practical exam. Of course, you probably went through the points list in the theoretical training classes at the driving school, but I believe that it was a while ago and you hardly remember it. Don't worry, you're not the only one, according to our statistics, this driving test scoring guide is one of the most visited pages on our portal. In some countries, there is a so-called internal driving test, where the candidate and the instructor pass test routes with a score sheet as a simulation of the real driving test. Currently, unfortunately, this practice does not exist in driving schools in Serbia. By all means, don't stress too much about the score list and focus more on acquiring the theoretical and practical material, use logic and make your friend out of jitters (adrenaline). Most of the candidates fail because of stupid mistakes, which arise precisely because of nervousness. When you get annoyed because of one mistake, which generally does not affect the outcome of the exam, a series of reckless movements and actions during the exam starts and eventually you fail the exam. So, if you made a mistake, but the examiners didn't tell you that the exam is over, don't start thinking about what you've already done and continue without worry with the next action or driving in the city on the exam route. When you go out to drive in the city, pay attention to who has the right of way, pay attention to traffic lights and curbs and pedestrians and children, as well as the "30" zone, because errors related to this will automatically transform into "Did not pass" on your score list. Full article Guide to scoring on the driving test https://tinyurl.com/3366rb3f Help for those candidates who cannot overcome their stage fright: https://autoskole.in.rs/testovi-za-po... 0:00 - Introduction 2:50 - Scoring Guide