Every day, new challenges await the caretaker, gardener and project manager of the castle construction site in Schwerin Castle. Whether a marten is busy in the cellar, unknown rooms suddenly appear or the plenary hall has to be rearranged and remodeled to accommodate more MPs. In the background, thousands of different jobs have to be done to keep things running. The old walls and the historic garden are demanding to maintain. Where can the construction crane weighing over 60 tons be placed without the cellars below collapsing? Which bee colony is strong enough to fly 30 meters up to the beehive on the castle roof? And how are the precious orangery plants supposed to get through the year when climate change is already being felt in the castle? The good spirits find a solution for everything, even though they don't always agree. But it's their fairytale castle, not a building like any other! More information: https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendunge... More documentaries and reports: https://www.ardmediathek.de/ First broadcast: 04.02.2022 #ndr #ndrdoku #schwerin