Schottky diodes and pulse diodes are widely used in modern electronic devices. Electrical circuits of converters of most electronic devices work with pulse and digital signals of high frequency. These include pulse power supplies, voltage inverters, DC-DC converters, microprocessor systems, smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, etc. To ensure high frequency signals, it is necessary to quickly switch in various nodes of electronic circuits, so it is important to use fast diodes, such as Schottky diodes, pulse diodes, etc., capable of quickly switching from a conducting state to a non-conducting one. Conventional rectifier diodes are not suitable here, since they have too large a p-n junction capacitance, as a result of which high-frequency currents freely pass through the semiconductor device in both half-periods. The barrier capacitance of Schottky diodes, as well as pulse diodes, is significantly less than that of rectifier valves. Therefore, they can operate at much higher frequencies. Schottky diodes differ from other valves in their internal structure. It consists of a semiconductor and metal, due to which the voltage drop during forward current flow is reduced and the barrier capacitance of the junction is reduced, thereby improving the frequency properties of the semiconductor device. In the input circuits of pulse power supplies, it is rational to use conventional rectifier diodes, since the input alternating voltage has a low frequency - 50 Hz or 60 Hz. At the same time, the cost of such valves is noticeably lower than their high-frequency analogs. In sections of electrical circuits where direct voltage is converted into high-frequency alternating voltage, only a Schottky diode or pulse diode is used. The latter is also called high-speed, high-speed, etc. For in reference books, such a parameter as the reverse recovery time trr - reverse recovery time is necessarily given. 1. UNI-T UTG962E 60 MHz functional generator: https://alii.pub/6ltanv 2. Hantek DSO5202P 200 MHz digital oscilloscope #Schottky diode #diode #electronicsclub