In this talk, Dr. Juan Pablo Bolbarán, pediatrician at Clínica Alemana, and Eduardo Fuentes, Head Coach of Alemana Sport, talk about the return to sports in schoolchildren. The importance of physical activity in children, global recommendations on the type of activities and the time required for sports according to age. How to measure the physical activity carried out? National statistics on physical activity and sport indices in children. Covid in children and adolescents. Effects of the Covid 19 pandemic and its impact on the physical and mental health of children and adolescents. What are physiological changes due to detraining? Recommendations for returning to sports. Protocols for returning to sports and strategies for reducing the risk of Covid 19 transmission. Pre-participation evaluation, what does it consist of? Physical reactivation after Covid 19. Recommendations regarding the information that parents must give to the school and what the school must inform parents about sports activities and physical activity. What to do before and during physical activity? Use of implements individually and demarcation of activity areas, possibility of having a teacher and assistant, importance of prevention education. Meet our specialists https://www.clinicaalemana.cl/especia... Book a teleconsultation appointment here https://agenda.clinicaalemana.cl/area... Book your in-person appointment here https://reserva.alemana.cl/reserva/po... Learn about and download our app here https://www.clinicaalemana.cl/app?utm... Did you know that you can access a teleconsultation from home? https://www.clinicaalemana.cl/alemana... Follow us on: Instagram: / clinicaalemanadesantiago Facebook: / clinicaalemanadesantiago Twitter: / clinicaalemana Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/8001v85... #ClínicaAlemana #Sport #Schoolchildren #Covid-19 #BacktoSchool