Today's children's story is at school, an educational story with Valentina Pontes on another day of the test at school, and you will end up getting a low grade, and you will learn a great lesson that you have to study hard to get good grades, so your mother Erlania Pontes will help her daughter with her subjects so Valentina can get good grades, and she will also meet a new classmate, and her friend at school will have to learn to live together in harmony. Instagram ???? valentinapontesofc Instagram ???? erlaniapontesoficial ✔️ Free channel for all ages. ╔♫═ ╗ ╱▔▔╲╱▔▔╲ ▏ ╭╮ ╭╮┈ ▕ ╲ ┈╰━---━╯┈ ╱ ╲ ╱ #Valentinapontes