MERCHANDISE Hanging Tie Shopee: https://shope.ee/501KQe83d4 This is another Hanging Tie account, yes Facebook.: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSEXx5XV/ Instagram: / hanging tie Shopee Video: https://shopee.co.id/universal-link?r... Bstation: https://bili.im/XXF4OcF Hanging Tie does not have any social media accounts other than the above. Thank you very much for continuing to support this channel This is the link to the game "Serena's Other Dimension" available on the AppStore and Play Store Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... iOS (App Store): https://apps.apple.com/id/app/dimensi... #animation #hangingtie #serena #monika #raki #ratara #promnight #schoolevent