One of the main goals of Schema Therapy is to reduce the intensity and frequency of activation of Early Maladaptive Schemas and strengthen the Healthy Adult of our patients. It is no different with children and adolescents. However, because they are at a stage of development in which EIDs are beginning to be formed, ET aims to prevent the consolidation of schemas, that is, it has a preventive nature in the formation of EIDs and Schematic Modes, minimizing the development of Internalized Voices. But, after all, how does the treatment work in practice? How does ET differ when it comes to children and adolescents? And how should parental guidance be provided? In this episode, psychologist and Schema Therapist Marina Fim tells us how treatment based on Schema Therapy works with children and adolescents. #TE #SchemaTherapy #Children #Teenagers #Parenting #Psychotherapy #Psi #Therapy #CognitiveBehavioralTherapy #CBT