Hello everyone! Conference reservation emails: 1- Manosque February 15: [email protected] Here are the links to the new books: 1- Panser Gaza: https://www.editionsfiatlux.com/?prod... https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0D6R9RSVZ 2- Climate Terror: https://www.editionsfiatlux.com/?prod... No insults in the comments please, courtesy and kindness are required. Thank you. You can help us by making your donations via the Association for the Defense of the Lelibrepenseur Site (ADSL) or via our Tipeee account. You can also support our work by purchasing our books or goodies available on the store link below. Thank you in advance for your support, whatever it may be, do not hesitate to share this video as much as possible. :) Donations to support us: 1- ADSL support association: https://adsl.lelibrepenseur.org/ 2- ADSL Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/LLPADSL 3- The LLP shop for goodies: https://www.lelibrepenseur.org/shop/ 4- Tipeee: https://fr.tipeee.com/salim-laibi-le-... 5- Get our books: https://www.editionsfiatlux.com/