To join our exclusive Climaterra group, follow the steps below: 1 - Send a payment in the amount of R$78.85 via Pix to the number (49) 99837 5519 to participate in the South VIP group or in the amount of R$367.89 to the Brazil group. 2 - After the transaction, send proof of payment to the same number via WhatsApp. 4 - Fill out the following form carefully to complete the process. We appreciate your interest in being part of our exclusive Climaterra group. Form: https://forms.gle/kGTEp1B3dQmnDwJx5 PIX to help the channel: 49999836544 (Not related to the group) Partners: ~ http://clic93.com.br ~ ~ https://saojoaquimonline.com.br/ ~ Leave a comment to help us!!!