We show you the finishes based on paint or stone coating that, in addition to improving the aesthetics, protect the façade from dirt, pollution and inclement weather. http://www.bricocrack.tv Tutorial Construction Insulation Energy efficiency SATE façade finishes. The paints and mortars that we show you as a final finish of the SATE are from Beissier and the rollers and trowels are from Nespoli Rulo Pluma. More information and any questions you may have about the Beissier Therm SATE certified systems on their website: https://www.beissier.es/es/fachadas/s.... If you want to know more about the rollers and trowels we use, go to the Nespoli Rulo Pluma website https://www.nespoligroup.es/. The work clothes, gloves and footwear we use are from Tomás Bodero Group: https://tomasbodero.com/es/. We continue to advance in our knowledge of the SATE system with the support of the Beissier Technical Department and the collaboration of Sebas Martínez Roberts, one of its application and training specialists. In this tutorial we show you step by step the different options for the final finish because we think it is important that, if you are a professional, you know the products that make up the Beissier system; that, if you are a more advanced DIYer, you consider applying it and that, if you are going to order it from a professional, you understand what you are hiring. Before starting, remember that the Beissier Therm SATE provides you with the ETE (European Technical Assessment) certification as long as you use all the products included in the system, you cannot do without any product in its application or replace them with products from other brands. Basically, there are two options: work with paint or with stone coating. Smooth paint is recommended when the façade has no flatness defects. The first application is done with Beissier's Betaelastic paint in at least two coats, with a roller or spray gun. We use the Nespoli MicroMix roller. When the flatness of the façade is not perfect, a mortar is better. You just have to choose the granulometry, to achieve more or less relief. We do three applications with the Granocryl System from Beissier. As you can see, the application is the same in all three cases, although the granulometry is 0.7, 10 and 15 mm. We use different colours so that you can also get an idea of how they look. In all three cases, we use a first coat of Granocryl Fondo Pétreo from Beissier as a base primer, choosing the same colour as the Granocryl acrylic mortar we are going to apply. To apply the base, we use a roller and we apply the Granocryl with the trowel. We spread the mortar, remove the excess and, before it dries, we trowel it, pressing it as much as we want so that we don't lose the granulometry we have chosen. We use Nespoli Rulo Pluma steel trowels. If you are not very familiar with it, or the mortar is very light in colour, use a plastic trowel so as not to leave marks when troweling. These acrylic mortars are impermeable to rainwater but permeable to steam escaping from the façade. If you need it, Beissier has a product, Granocryl Loto, with a greater pearling capacity, which makes the surface self-cleaning. And, to show you more creative combinations, we have made some samples with Granocryl 03 which allows us to do lighter work. Although it does not need a stone primer like the previous ones, Beissier recommends priming the surface with RegulaFix. In the first sample, we apply a first coat with a trowel and, on the second, we comb it with a dry brush. Another example is done with a second coat of BetaMetallic, which is a metallic-looking paint. A third example, masking with tape and, the last, sponging with BetaMetallic to look for contrasts. In other words, all that's left is to use your imagination, because the products allow you to create many effects because they are very easy to work with. And, finally, the exposed brick finish that may be required by the aesthetics of the place where you live. We do it with Granocryl 03 and a template that adheres perfectly to create the brick pattern. And, if what you want is a ceramic finish for your façade, the Multiflex adhesive mortar from Beissier is the one recommended for gluing ceramic tiles in the Beissier SATE system. We hope you find it useful in choosing the final appearance of the SATE on your façade. Tell us about it in the comments of the video. Thank you very much, bricocracks! ???? #SATEFacadeFinishes #SATEPaintsAndMortars #InsulateFacadeWithSATE More information about DIY and Construction at http://www.bricocrack.tv/ Presented by Juan Mateos. Follow us also on FB / bricocrack Twitter: / bricocrack Instagram / bricocrack