CHECK OUT OUR COMPLETE COURSE: https://seliga.com.br/ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: /seliga_enem_e_vestibulares ABOUT THE CLASS: This is another video in our series about all of Brazil's presidents! We've come to the Sarney administration, which became president after the death of Tancredo Neves, who was elected and died before taking office. Sarney is still alive (at least at the time of posting this video), so everything we talk about here becomes slightly dangerous. We'd better be more careful on the street :D Sign up to receive our exclusive content for free: https://lp.seliga.com.br/receba-conte... STUDY WITH THE COURSE THAT LOOKS LIKE A SERIES! Learn all subjects on a complete platform with incredible classes, exercises with commented solutions, essay corrections, simulations, doubt hotlines and all the support you need to study for college entrance exams and Enem! To learn more, visit: http://www.SELIGA.com.br WANT MORE HISTORY CLASSES? History of Brazil - https://goo.gl/WAbJOz History of the World - https://goo.gl/KSq3Qz WANT CLASSES IN OTHER SUBJECTS? Follow the channel and meet all the Se Liga teachers! CREDITS: Teacher and script: Walter Solla Research: Talita Cavalheiro Direction: Ary Neto Coordination: Ana Paula Dibbern Videomakers: Badr Asi, Jailson Ramos, Ton Lima and Júlio Paulucci BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES: SCHWARCZ, Lilia M; Starling, Heloísa. Brasil: Uma Biografia. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras. 2016. PRIORE, Mary del; VENANCIO, Renato. A Brief History of Brazil. São Paulo: Planeta, 2010. SOUZA, Worney Almeida de. The Republic and the History of Brazil’s Presidents. São Paulo: Discovery Publicações, 2017. VIZENTINI, Paulo Fagundes. International Relations of Brazil from Vargas to Lula. São Paulo, Perseu Abramo Foundation Publishing House, 2003. LIRA NETO (Brazil). Adventures in History. 35 years ago, the death of Tancredo Neves became the most conspiratorial event in Brazil. 2020. ANDRÉ NOGUEIRA (Brazil). Adventures in History. Unpublished documents prove movement by Sarney and the Armed Forces to cover up crimes during the Dictatorship. 2019. SANTOS, Rodrigo Otávio dos. The José Sarney government, national rock songs, and the Chiclete com Banana magazine. Brazilian Journal of History & Social Sciences, Rio Grande do Sul, v. 8, n. 16, p. 169-191, Dec. 2016. Biannual. VIGEVANI, Tullo; CEPALUNI, Gabriel. Brazilian Foreign Policy: the search for autonomy from Sarney to Lula. São Paulo: Unesp, 2011. 232 p. DEBIT (Brazil). INPC inflation. Available at: https://www.debit.com.br/tabelas/tabe.... Accessed on: Jan. 15, 2021. IPEA (Brazil). The 1980s, a lost or gained decade? 2012. Available at: http://desafios.ipea.gov.br/index.php.... Accessed on: Jan. 15, 2021. 2021. 1985 - 30 years of democracy: Sarney Government - Part 2. Production by Univesp. [SI], 2015. (13 min.), YouTube, son., color. Available at: • 1985 - 30 years of democracy: Sarney Government... . Accessed on: January 15, 2021. DOCUMENTARY - Sarney 90. Production by Chamber of Deputies. 2020. (50 min.), YouTube, son., color. Available at: • Documentary: Sarney 90 - [2020] . Accessed on: January 15, 2021.