We walked along the famous Oscar Freire Street in São Paulo. The challenge was to stroll, eat and buy something for up to R$100.00. We showed all the storefronts, galleries, businesses, restaurants and ice cream shops and visited some of them. Almost all the biggest fashion brands are located on Oscar Freire. It is an open-air shopping mall and, as we walk, surprises and cool places reveal themselves at every step. There is even an art gallery! Watch the video until the end because, in addition to being really cool, it shows you everything that Oscar Freire Street has to offer to those who stroll along there. Some brands and places: Jeronimo Burger, Havaianas (concept store), Espaço Melissa, John John, La Pastina, Frevo, Chili Beans, Schuts, Santa Lola, Asics, Arezzo, Brooksfield Donna, Rolex, Le Bothegue di Leonardo and many more. Watch and comment what you think, ok? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information and to check prices at the time, visit: JERONIMO - https://jeronimoburger.com.br MELISSA - https://www.melissa.com.br HAVAIANAS - https://havaianas.com.br LE BOTTEGHE DI LEONARDO - http://www.lebotteghedileonardo.com.br TOSTADO CAFÉ CLUB - https://www.tostadocafeclub.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ US AND PLACES links, also watch: AVENIDA PAULISTA - • SÃO PAULO - AVENIDA PAULISTA - DESAFI... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe to the channel! Instagram: / noseoslugares ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggestions and Partnerships: [email protected] _______________________________________________________ Produced and edited by Solange Davelli and Humberto Davelli #sãopaulo #ruaoscarfreire #havaianas #tostadocafeclub #jeronimo #melissa #lebotteghedileonardo