A well-known video documentary produced by TV Bandeirantes, narrated by actor Armando Bogus, and made on the anniversary of the city of São José dos Campos in 1974, during the administration of Mayor Sérgio Sobral de Oliveira. This is a publicity piece presenting our city, its daily life and progress that year. Much of what is presented could be easily adapted to the present day, but some of it cannot, such as the new constructions and the loss of character of the Banhado, since in addition to its scenic and cultural importance, it is an area of environmental protection. I would like to thank the FCCR through the City's Public Archives and the DEPAV (Audiovisual Department) for allowing me to re-edit (giving it higher audiovisual quality) this material and make it available to the general public. Wagner Ribeiro – São José dos Campos in the Past