✚ Share and rate the video to support me - thank you! Graph theory simply explained with Santa's house. Santa's house is my topic video for Christmas 2017 and can be seen as a graph from the perspective of graph theory. The aim of this drawing puzzle is to draw Santa's house with the sentence "This is Santa's house" in one go. That is, without lifting the pencil. In graph theory in computer science, such a graph is also called an Euler train or Euler path. It is a graph that has exactly two nodes with an odd node degree. In graph theory, a node degree is the number of outgoing edges of a graph. These are also the two nodes from which you must start or end. This results in 44 solutions and 10 failures. The solution to Santa's house is therefore 80% possible. A special Euler path or Euler train for Santa's house is the Euler circle. If a basement is added to Santa's house, we have exactly this Euler circle. You can now draw the graph in one go and arrive back at the starting point. This discovery by Leonard Euler for graph theory is useful for route planning, for example at the post office to deliver Christmas presents as packages. This way, Christmas packages should have no problems arriving before Christmas. Nevertheless, the post office often takes other routes for Christmas presents... Incidentally, Santa's double house cannot be drawn in one go without drawing a line twice. You can find another video about Christmas here: ➔ • Santa Claus: Physics vs. Quantum Physics -------- Support the channel? ➔ Subscribe for free and activate the bell: https://bytethinks.de/abo ➔ Become a channel member: https://bytethinks.de/mitglied -------- What is BYTEthinks? - Understand general knowledge and science with short, entertaining videos! ➔ Watch all videos: https://www.bytethinks.de/AlleVideos ➔ Do you have a topic for a video? Post it in the comments! -------- Script: http://www.bytethinks.de/graphentheor... Sources: https://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~guenth... http://www.mathematische-basteleien.d... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haus_vo... New title: Graph theory: Double house from Santa Claus