Sandwich Doctorate: what it is and how to get a scholarship to do this type of international academic mobility. In addition to explaining everything in the Partiu Intercâmbio way, we also talk about some of the best scholarships to do a sandwich doctorate in the United States, Canada, Germany and Ireland. All scholarships with open applications: https://bit.ly/bolsas-abertas All about doctorates abroad: http://bit.ly/doutorado-pl Scholarships for sandwich doctorates: http://bit.ly/bolsasmobilidade Fulbright scholarship for sandwich doctorates in the USA: http://bit.ly/doutsandful ELAP scholarship in Canada: http://bit.ly/elap-bolsa Scholarship for sandwich doctorates in Ireland: http://bit.ly/goi-bolsa Receive alerts for scholarships with open applications on WhatsApp: https://bit.ly/whatspartiu or on Telegram: https://t.me/partiuintercambioalertas 00:00 What is a sandwich doctorate? 03:30 Who can do a sandwich doctorate abroad 05:10 The difference between a sandwich doctorate, a doctorate with co-supervision and a full doctorate abroad 06:40 How to do a sandwich doctorate abroad? 07:57 How to get an advisor's acceptance to do a sandwich doctorate abroad 10:52 How to get scholarships for a sandwich doctorate abroad Support Partiu Intercâmbio and help us post more and more scholarships on the website! Visit: https://apoia.se/partiuintercambio/ to learn more or send a pix to [email protected] Subscribe to the channel: http://bit.ly/partiuyt Exchange search engine: http://bit.ly/buscadordeintercambios Visit the website: http://partiuintercambio.org Instagram: / partiuintercambio #doutorado #intercâmbio #partiuintercambio