⭐Introducing Mr. Lee Hyeong-su's book :) ✔Naver: bit.ly/3wpKjvg ✔Kyobo: bit.ly/3Wwnn8o ✔Yes: bit.ly/4bpGk0A ✔Aladdin: bit.ly/3QABNRc ⭐Go directly to Mr. Lee Hyeong-su's channel https://bit.ly/3G3k7IX [CEO Lee Hyeong-su] HSL Partners CEO YouTube [IT God Lee Hyeong-su] Channel operator Book [The strongest AI revolution investment that you can use right away] ✔️Filming date: December 19 📌Shinsaimdang aims to create a culture of conveying the opinions of various experts and respecting each other. Comments containing personal attacks, groundless accusations, insults, and vulgarity against the cast may be restricted. The cast's opinions have nothing to do with the direction of the channel and do not represent the opinions of the affiliated company. In addition, the investor is responsible for his or her investment. ⭐ Appearance application & partnership and advertising inquiries: [email protected]