PEACE OF MIND, SILENCE, FREEDOM FROM ATTACHMENTS AND THOUGHTS FROM EGO, HEART and LEAP into the UNKNOWN, COMPLETE SURRENDER OF YOURSELF AND ABOUT MANY THINGS ... ???? ENJOY WATCHING - A DEEP INTERESTING FILM ???? Playlist • SAMADHI - The newest series of films ???? Samadhi (“It's Not What You Think”) part 2 The great spiritual teachers of antiquity and modern times shared the idea that the deepest truth of our being does not belong to any particular religion or spiritual tradition. It can be found in the Heart of every person. Samadhi Part 2 (Russian) 00:00 Movie Start 15:42 Kingdom of God Within Gratitude for Such Deep Movies author https://awakentheworld.com/ru/series/... All rights reserved by the author (c) REM Publishing Ltd, 2017, Canada All rights reserved #samadhi #samadhi #enlightenment #awakening #akasha #self-development #cinema #Spiral #world #movies #infinity