Complete Chemistry class for Enem on Salts and Oxides, finishing the Inorganic Functions with the Neutralization Reaction and Nomenclature of Salts and Oxides. Download the material and exercises related to this class for free: https://mailchi.mp/a94496c563cd/mater... 📕✏️ ➡️ Study CHEMISTRY with Prof. Leandro Leal! Check out the playlist of our Enem Extensive 2020: • Chemistry Enem Extensive 2020 NPAC ➡️ Follow the professor on social media: instagram.com/naopercaacabeca instagram.com/profleandroleal In today's class, Prof. Leandro Leal finished the content of Inorganic Functions, explaining the characteristics, formation and nomenclature of Salts and Oxides. To understand these concepts, it is important to have already mastered what cation and anion and acid and base are, covered in previous classes and the essence of the neutralization reaction, which forms salts. Oxides are characterized by having oxygen as the most electronegative element, and we must be careful not to confuse them with salts that also have this element. So tune in to master the content and solve all the exercises in this subject of Inorganic Functions!