The documentary tells the story of the world's first sanctuary made in honor of St. Teresa. Located in the city of Taubaté, the sanctuary began construction in 1923 and had many historical facts and curiosities within its structure that were discovered and confirmed after a box was found inside one of its walls. Majestic for its Gothic architecture, the sanctuary, besides being a place of devotion of its faithful, is also one of the main postcards of the city. -- Technical Specifications Review Productions: Bruno Urzua Vanessa Toledo Sky Eng (Drone): Iraldo Biasoli Vitor Palomanes Support Equipment: Júlio Moraes Fotografia Archive Images: Museu de Imagem e Som de Taubaté Shirley Aparecida Santos Special thanks: Professor Benedito Galvão Victor Siqueira Professor Rachel Duarte Abdala Thanks to the Sanctuary: Sandra Brandão Silvana Brandão de Miranda Rosana Claudia Regina dos Santos Rosana Donizetti dos Santos Father Silvio José Dias Father Marcelo Henrique de Souza Kickante thanks: Dhaêdra Delfinni Fabiana Alvarenga Irineu de Oliveira Costa Lívia Rizzo Silvia Bochner Túlio José