Thank you for your loyalty, thank you for keeping my channel alive. My practice is rooted in a deep connection with the universe and an increased sensitivity to the energies that surround us. Always in kindness and honesty ???? Find my ebook the Grimoire of rituals (on my e-shop) ???? For any request for PRIVATE DRAWING: ➡️ rosevoyance.fr ➡️ Instagram: mes_petits_sortileges ➡️ [email protected] ???? To support my YouTube channel: paypal.me/mespetitssortileges ✅ AMAZON: I advise you on oracles and tarots purchased https://www.amazon.fr/shop/rosevoyanc... #voyance #aixenprovence #love #horoscope #abundance #ritual #privatedraw #tarot #oracle #opportunity #seo #astrologicalsigns #grimoire #professional #luck #guidance #pendulum #paranormal #Rosevoyance #generaldraw #future #destiny #meeting