Secondary School, 4th quarter, 2024. "The Gospel of John: Main Themes" Analysis of Lesson #11 "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" 1. The theme of Fatherhood is important to John, as evidenced, for example, by the use of words. The word "father" occurs in the Gospel of John 136 times, more only in the book of Genesis. For comparison, in the Gospel of Matthew, which is larger than the Gospel of John, the word "father" occurs 63 times, i.e. twice as less. How does John imagine God the Father? What is special about this aspect of the theology of the Apostle John? 2. The relationship between the Son and the Father is an important part of John's theology. Already in the Prologue of his Gospel, the apostle states this theme: "we have seen His [the Son's] glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father" (John 1:14) or "No one has ever seen God; The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him” (John 1:18). How is the divinity of the Son presented against the background of the divinity of the Father? 3. Much attention is also paid to the Spirit in the Gospel of John. The Apostle uses the following words in relation to Him: “Holy” (John 1:33, 7:39, 14:26, 20:22), “Truth” (John 14:17, 15:26, 16:13). How does John present a) the nature and b) the mission of the Spirit? 4. The line of the relationship between the Son and the Spirit in the Gospel of John also deserves special attention. How do these two hypostases of the Godhead interact? How does the relationship between the Father and the Son differ from the relationship between the Son and the Spirit, and how does the relationship between the Father and the Spirit differ from the relationship between the Father and the Son? 5. Some Christians, following the presbyter of the Alexandrian church named Arius, consider the idea of God as a Trinity to be a delusion. How important was the contribution of the apostle John to the doctrine of the Trinity? Can we, based on the Gospel of John, see God as a Trinity?