The ride was made on 11.12.2024, i.e. 12 days before the official opening of the S52 Northern Bypass of Kraków and the S7 Widoma - Kraków on the Widoma - Mistrzejowice section. In the film I presented the speed limits in force on the opening day. All information provided in the film comes from the contractor or the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, Kraków branch. Video accelerated 2x Website of the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways: https://www.gov.pl/web/gddkia/general... Project websites: https://s52-polnocnaobwodnicakrakowa.pl/ https://s7widoma-krakow.pl/ Timing: 0:00 Modlnica Junction 1:18 Zielonki Junction - western side 1:47 Tunnel in Zielonki - western entry 3:04 Węgrzce Junction - western side 4:05 Tunnel in Dziekanowice - western entry 4:22 Batowice Junction - western side 4:53 Beginning of narrowing to one lane before transferring traffic to the other lane from the west 5:03 Switch transferring traffic 5:17 End of S52 and entry to the Mistrzejowice I junction connector 5:47 Place of separation Traffic on both S7 roadways from the south 6:32 Raciborowice junction - south side 8:20 Łuczyce junction - south side 10:30 Access to Widoma junction - south side 10:35 Return from Widoma junction towards the south 12:33 Łuczyce junction - north side 14:10 Raciborowice junction - north side 14:47 Beginning of S7 narrowing before the Mistrzejowice I junction connector from the north 14:52 Junction of both traffic directions on one S7 and S52 roadway from the north 15:02 Entrance to S7 - S52 connector 15:17 Entrance to S52 15:24 End of narrowing and traffic separation on both roadways from the east 15:53 Tunnel in Dziekanowice - eastern inlet 16:30 Węgrzce junction - eastern side 17:40 Tunnel in Zielonki - eastern inlet 18:35 Zielonki junction - eastern side 19:03 Damaged retaining wall in Tonie - place of exclusion of the right lane for the time of reconstruction of the wall Music: Remember / Alive / Youth / Rain / See You / Dear Autumn Musician: @Iksonmusic Music: Call me / Flow Musician: LiQWYD