Welcome to the best free preparatory course in Brazil. Preparing you to realize your dream! To enter a federal institute. Welcome. TEACHER'S INSTAGRAM (DAILY TIPS and SUMMARIES) - FOLLOW / .... . ========================================================== QUESTION 01. SELECTION EXAM - IFSULDEMINAS. A family, planning to travel on a tour, bought enough food for 20 people to feed themselves during the 30 days of the trip. When they left, they realized that 24 people would travel. Under these conditions, how many days will the food reserves last? A) 30 days. B) 15 days. C) 25 days. D) 36 days. QUESTION 02. SELECTION EXAM - IFSULDEMINAS. 30 rural workers harvest a farm's coffee crop in 80 days. To harvest the crop in 60 days, the following will be needed: A) 40 workers. B) 50 workers. C) 45 workers. D) 15 workers. QUESTION 03. SELECTION EXAM - ETEC - SP. According to the Census carried out in Brazil in 2010, there were approximately 48 men for every 50 women. Knowing that, according to this survey, there were approximately 93.4 million men in Brazil, then the number of women in Brazil, in 2010, was approximately how many, in millions? A) 87.9 B) 89.4 C) 95.6 D) 97.3 =============== INTENSIVE PLAYLIST 2020 =================== 1ST TO 23RD CLASS https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... =============================================================== ========= FREE INTENSIVE FOR IF 2021 - 2022 ======== ► HOW TO STUDY MATHEMATICS FROM SCRATCH 6 TIPS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLnd3... ► IF - 2020 1st CLASS : GCD and MULTIPLES - 5 QUESTIONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byB... ► IF - 2020 2nd CLASS : 4 QUESTIONS FROM GCD SELECTION EXAMS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iez3q... ► IF - 2020 3rd CLASS : GREATEST COMMON DIVIDER - GCD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz0X8... ► IF - 2020 4th CLASS : IF EXAM QUESTIONS - GCD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6xDF... ► IF - 2020 5th CLASS: 2 IF EXAM QUESTIONS - GCD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9XjK... ► IF - 2020 6th CLASS: LENGTH MEASUREMENT UNITS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToY