Robert Adams (Spiritual teacher) successor to the guru Sri Ramana Maharshi. He was an American teacher of Advaita. Adams claimed to have had a profound spiritual awakening at the age of fourteen. In his late teens, he was a devotee of Sri Ramana Maharshi in Tiruvannamalai, India. In later life, Adams conducted satsangs with a small group of devotees in California, USA. He primarily advocated the path of jnana yoga with emphasis on the practice of self-realization of the true Self. In his weekly satsangs, Robert Adams advocated the practice of self-enquiry (Atma-vichara) as the primary means of overcoming the ego and realizing oneself as sat-chit-ananda (being-consciousness-bliss). * * * * * * ????????Satsang Collection~The Law of Cause and Effect! Self-Knowledge/Advaita/Esoterics. Author of Audio/Recordings; Robert Adams. Reads; NikOsho. * * * * * * ????Thanks to the project! ✔️Like/Subscribe. ✔️Sberbank:2202 2004 7458 3208 ✔️Yandex money: https://money.yandex.ru/to/4100191739... ✔️DonatePay/https://donatepay.ru/d/ATMAN ❤️Thank you for your participation in supporting the project.????