Hello, winegrowers! If you like my channel, you can thank me with a small donation and take part in the release of a new video. Donation link: https://www.donationalerts.com/c/yuri... https://www.donationalerts.com/r/yuri... https://bit.ly/3BC9DOu ???? It's mid-May and it's time to do the first watering and fertilizing of grapes. It's best to combine these two points. In the video, I'll tell you about 3 feeding recipes. And I'll tell you which fertilizers can harm our young grape bushes. Enjoy watching. TIME CODES OF THE MAIN MOMENTS OF THE VIDEO: 00:00 Greetings. 00:46 How to fertilize young grape seedlings in May. 01:40 How to water young grape seedlings. Watering technique. 04:30 What proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are needed to feed young seedlings. 05:20 Option 1 feeding. Recipe No. 1. How fertilizers dissolve in water. 10:40 Option 2 feeding. Recipe No. 2. 12:57 Option 3 feeding. Recipe No. 3. 16:17 How to use chicken manure on grapes. 17:20 How to use ash on grapes. 17:53 Why you can’t use nitroammophoska on grapes. MORE VIDEOS ON FEEDING: 1. ???? Important! The first WATERING and FEEDING of young grapes. A simple feeding recipe for good growth! • ???? Important! The first WATERING and FEEDING of the young... 2. ???? Without this WATERING and FEEDING of the grapes, do not even count on a well-deserved harvest. Watering in the spring! • ???? Without this WATERING and FEEDING of the grapes... #yuriyegorutin #yuriyegorutin #grapegrowing #grapevine #wateringgrapes #wateringyounggrapes #feedinggrapes #feedingyounggrapes